One Day Workshop in Castlemaine
Experience the ancient art of backstrap weaving in this hands-on workshop.
You’ll create a beautiful woven band using just your body and simple tools.
Explore pattern making, learn basic techniques, and connect with a textile tradition practiced across cultures for millennia. Weaving our own textiles, particularly using body-tensioned looms, is also one way to live more simply, slowly and intentionally. Everyone will apply their own colour and pattern choices to the design and construction of the band they will take home from our day together.
No prior experience necessary. Suitable for beginners aged 14 and over. All materials provided.
Prices: Full $130 / Concession $120
* This workshop can also be paid for via donation to positive culture and recovery projects, or local MaLETS members can pay using pods - our Castlemaine barter currency! Just email ILKA to arrange either of these options :)
“Ilka was a superb teacher. Extremely well organised , informative and caring.
She had a huge amount of knowledge both historic and contemporary she shared with us. Particularly appreciated her help and assistance to the group as well as to each individual.
It was a challenging day but one where we each achieved a lovely piece of backstrap weaving.”